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    Oil & Gas Services

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Health & Safety
Our Objectives

Our objective is to promote safety of personnel working in various sites and prescribes certain rules, procedures and safe practices in order to create a working environment free of conditions factors that might contribute to an accident or injury.

It should be understood that no set of written safety rules can be provided to cover all sitations, contingencies or emergencies, however we are providing the following training and guidelines for safe execution of projects.

  • All new employees before taking up their job assignment are required to be familiarized with the hazards of industrial construction activities and their prevention measures, prior to start of their work.
  • Each employees shall be given a initial Safety Indoctrination training, The training covers the Company safety policy, goals and objectives, safety organization chart, list of safety procedures, safety committee meeting, safety audits, first aid and medical services, accident reporting investigation, list of unsafe acts, conditions and human factors, house keeping, local practices and standards safety in offices and safety training activities.
  • The new employee on completion of the safety indoctrination training shall be given a declaration that he has been familiarized with the existing safety management system of Ultra Horizon Co., and that he agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of Ultra Horizon Co., The declaration shall be retained until completion of the user's work at the site.
  • Safety policy, Goals and Objectives, Ultra Horizon Co. safety policy, goals and objectives shall be discussed and explained to promote safety awareness. Employees shall be encouraged to give new ideas.
Quality Management Policy
Our employees are the Company's most important asset

We are committed to a health, safety and environment management system that conform to the best practices of our industry, Health, Safety and Environment considerations are the top priority in planning and development of products, services and processes.

We recognize the importance of working closely with our customers and contractors, Only through the cooperative efforts of all can the best possible health, safety and environment record be achieved. This policy requires internal cooperation in all health, safety and environmental matters not only between supervisors and employee, but also between each employee and his fellow workers.

Management accepts the responsibility for leadership of the health, safety and environment program for its effectiveness and improvement and for providing of the safeguards requires to ensure safe, environmentally responsible conditions.

All employees are responsible for wholehearted, genuine cooperation with every aspects of health, safety and environmental program,' this includes with all rules & regulations and continuous safe environmentally responsible job performance.

Safety Training

Ultra Horizon Co. provides all of our employees with health and safety training to increase their awareness and knowledge of the working habits. As a responsible employer, we train all our employees to implement optimum health and safety practice on the job; we also provide non work-relates and safety training with an emphasis on health and wellness, In addition to helping the employee. It also benefits our customers and allows Manpower to minimize lost productivity.

Ultra Horizon Co. provides comprehensive safety training to our employees prior to assignment, so that employees are individually prepared to work in a safe and professional manner.

Ultra Horizon Co. can also develop and provide customized health and safety and/or risk management training that a customer's site upon request

Feed Back From Client

We assure all our clients that personnel selected through us are the best available medically fit and free from any infectious diseases. We offer replacement, free of cost, within the probationary period of three months in case a candidate is found medically unfit, professionally incompetent or otherwise unsuitable. Ultra Horizon Co., will bear the expenses in sending such candidates back to their home country.